2nd Annual English Department Conference 2019

Second Annual SFSU English Department Conference
May 10, 2019
Announcement and Call for Papers
Want to volunteer to help at the conference? Sign up here.
The English Department is excited to announce its second annual conference, a day to bring together faculty and graduate students in our TESOL, Composition, Linguistics, and Literature concentrations. We are pleased to continue this forum for collaboration and shared learning, as we explore the ways our disciplines overlap and inform our research and pedagogy.
We are seeking proposals from graduate students, tenure track faculty, and lecturers across disciplines. All are welcome!
Session Formats
We’re looking for interactive sessions that spark discussion and collaboration. Participants can present research projects, facilitate a workshop on a classroom activity, give a reading of their creative work, or lead a roundtable discussion on a topic of their choice. Sessions are in 60 minute blocks. Participants should submit proposals for 15 minute individual presentations or indicate if they need longer – up to 30 or 60 minutes for workshops and discussions.
Call for Proposals:
Please submit a proposal for your session (approximately 250 words) by Wednesday, April 24th, using the link on our website (http://bit.ly/engconf19). Acceptances will be sent by April 26th.
Please join us—you can register today:
Please join your colleagues and students for the conference! Register on our website. The conference is completely free; registration helps us plan catering and event space.
Thank you for your support, and we look forward to seeing you at the conference!