Sign up now! ENG 632: Literature of Exile and Migration

English 632
Literature of Exile and Migration
Spring 2018
Wednesdays 6:10 to 8:55 p.m.
Prof. Loretta Stec
Fulfills the “Global Literature in English” Requirement
In our current political moment, migrants, refugees, exiles, and people in transit, as well as policies about these people, are in the news every day. In English 632, we read narratives, both classic and contemporary, about experiences of migration and exile, and put them in counterpoint with today’s news.
Sonia Nazario Enrique’s Journey
Upton Sinclair The Jungle
Anzia Yezierska Bread Givers
Edwidge Danticat The Farming of Bones
Chimamanda Adichie Americanah
Visual works:
Shaun Tan The Arrival
Richard Wright 12 Million Black Voices
Graphic novel:
Thi Bui The Best We Could Do (just published!)
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